ID: 21546614

Unit 3 My School Section B 3a-3c project 写作课件+ 内嵌视频 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:67次 大小:20200142B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 My school SectionB 3a-3c 目录 CONTENTS 01 Lead-in 02 Writing 03 Exercises 04 Homework Lead-in 01 Hello,our school recruit the school guide.Do you want to join us Yes,what should I do You need to finish the following tasks. Let me have a look. Watch a video How many places in the video What are they a science room an art room a music room a cafeteria a nurse’s office gym classroom Writing 02 Pair work What is it It is a.... Task one Task 2: Tell the location of things and places in your school. Choose a reference object (选取参照物). How Choose proper prepositions of position. Where is the library It is _____the student centre. It is _____the classroom building. near behind Where is the student centre It is _____the library and gym. between Where is the dining hall It is _____the art building. in front of Imagine that a group of students are coming to visit your school. Draw a map of your school and plan a tour for them. 3a This is... There is/are... The big building behind it is... This is an interesting place because... The next place on our tour is... Hello and welcome to our school! My name is ..., and I'm your guide today. Let's begin the tour. This isour classroom building. It's really big. We spend most of our time here. Look, there is/are ... 3b Work in groups and practise giving the tour. Take turns to introduce each place. 写作注意点 时态 三段式,总-分-总 文章结构 第三人称 人称 一般现在时 Have a clear structure structure Beginning Body Endning 1. 学校大小及建筑的数量 2. 学校的布局与环境 3. 对学校的评价 写作必备词汇和句型 library,dining hall,music hall,classroom,on the left/right/behind/in the middle of…/across from/between ..and.. 词汇 My school is big/small/ there be… They are…... \...beautiful/great/nice/ good/ … love it very much. 句型 Introduce your school and describe the places you like according to the following steps. Places in the school Where is it Your favourite place Why do you like it What do you like to do there My school is big and beautiful. There are many interesting places here. They’re... My favourite place is... It’s... I love it because it’s... I like to … there. This is my new school. It’s small but beautiful. There are 4 buildings in my school. They are a library, a classroom building, a dining hall, and a sports field. In the middle of the school is a big playground. The library is on the right of the playground. Behind the library is the classroom building with 24 classrooms. The sports filed is between the classroom building and the dining hall. There is also a big garden near the school gate. You can see many flowers in it. My new school is very great. I love it very much. Writing sample This is my new school. It’s small but beautiful. There are_____ buildings in my school. They are a _____ In the middle of the school is a _____ The _____ is on the right of the_____ . Behind the _____ is the classroom building with_____ clas ... ...

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