ID: 21546986

译林版英语八年级上册 Unit 2 School life 课件 (共13张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:579072B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 School life Useful expressions 在八年级 一所男女混合学校 一起上课 在我所有的科目中 最喜欢法语 学外语 一年举办一次阅读周活动 在阅读周期间 从校图书馆借更多的书 借一支钢笔给我 in Year 8= in Grade 8 a mixed school have lessons together among all my subjects like French best learn foreign languages have a Reading Week every year during the Reading Week borrow more books from the school library lend a pen to me = lend me a pen Useful expressions 从家里带来书和杂志 比我的同学读的书多 在阅读周活动快要结束时 在阅读周结束时 最后 就书的内容和我的朋友讨论 时间似乎过得更快 似乎在生气 bring in books and magazines from home read more books than my classmates near the end of the Reading Week at the end of the Reading Week in the end= finally = at last discuss books with my friends Time seems to go faster. = It seems that time goes faster. seem angry= seem to be angry Nancy is in Year 8 at Woodland School. It’s a… Among all her subjects, she… Her school has a … During the week, she can… Near the end of the class, she… Answer the questions: What club is John in 2. Who is John’s hero Why Buddy Club. Tony. Because he often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help. Answer the questions: 3. What game does John love doing He loves playing baseball. D: I read an article by a boy from the USA. His name is John. He’s in the 8th grade. K: Really What’s his school life like Complete Daniel and Kitty’s conversation with the words in the box. baseball ends hero offers sports twice won D: Every Monday, he goes to the Buddy Club. His friend Tony is in the 12th grade. Tony listens to John’s problems and _____ him help. He’s John’s ____. K: What else do you know about John D: On Friday afternoon, their school ____ earlier than usual. offers hero ends They often do _____ together. K: Does John like sports D: Yes. His favorite sport is _____. He plays it _____ a week. Their team ____ two games last month. sports baseball twice won offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 提供某人某物/提供某物 给某人 = give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. Betty总是在公共车上把座位让给别人。 Betty always _____ her seat ____ others on the bus. =Betty always _____ _____ her seat on the bus. offers to offers others gives gives offer to do sth. 表示“主动提出做某事” Betty提出了将自行车借给我。 Betty _____ ____ _____ me her bike. offered to lend

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