ID: 21548109

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? SectionA 1a-2d课件+内嵌音视频(人教新目标八上)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:29576309B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section A (1a-2d) Free talk Do you like watching TV What kinds of TV shows do you know about game show 游戏节目 talk show 脱口秀,谈话节目 sitcom情景喜剧 sitcom(=situation comedy) 新闻 news news 才艺表演 talent show talent show 游戏节目 game show game show 情景喜剧 sitcom sitcom 体育节目 sports show sports show 肥皂剧 soap opera soap opera 脱口秀 talk show talk show Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g]. show _____ 2.soap opera _____ 3.sports show _____ 4.sitcom _____ show _____ 6.talent show _____ _____ a b c d e f g 1b Listen and number the shows [1-4] in order you hear them. ____talent show ____talk show ____soccer game ____ news 3 1 4 2 注意所听到词组的顺序 Listen again, choose the correct answers. 1.What does Jack think of talk shows A. He loves them. B . He doesn't mind them . C. He doesn't like them. 2.What does Jack think of talent shows A. He likes them. B. He doesn't mind them. C. He can't stand them. √ √ =How do you like … What do you think of ... don't mind don't like can't stand like love =How do you feel about … What do you think of I like game shows/them. game shows What do you think of I don’t mind them. sports shows Practice the conversation. Then make your own conversations. A: What do you want to watch B: What do you think of talk shows A: They’re OK. I don’t mind them. B: Then let’s watch a talk show. mind V 介意 mind sb/sth 介意某人/某事 mind doing sth 介意做某事 Would you mind one's doing sth 介意做...吗? n. 头脑,心智,主意 change one's mind 改变主意 make up one's mind 下定决心 keep in mind 记在心中 show V 展示,给...看 show sb sth = show sth to sb 给某人看某物 n. 节目,表演 on show 在展出 stand 忍受,站立 can't stand sth 不能忍受某事 stand doing sth 忍受做某事 can't stand doing sth 不能忍受做某事 1C Talking Pair work A: What do you want to watch B: What do you think of _____ A: I _____. B: What about _____. A: I _____. 2a Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows [1-5] in the order you hear them. ____ sitcoms ____ news ____ game shows ____ talk shows ____ soap operas 1 2 4 3 5 2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Sally likes to watch . 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks are more educational than sitcoms. 4. Sally loves . She plans to watch Days of Our Past . news or talk shows some great jokes game shows soap operas tonight 1. What are Grace and Sarah talking about 2. What kind of TV shows do Sarah’s classmates like 3. What does Grace think of game shows and sports shows TV shows. Game shows and sports shows. She can’t stand them. 4. What are Sarah’s favorite TV shows Why The news and talk shows, because she can expect to learn a lot from them. 2d Read to the conversation, circle the TVshows and underline their opinions. G: What did you do in class today, Sarah S: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game sho ... ...

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