
Unit 7 I like this reading-room 课件

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:23次 大小:5215075Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。Unit 7 I like this reading-room2.单元重点词汇 reading-room阅览室 I'm here. 我在这里。 Come here. 过来。 sit down. 坐下。 I'm coming. 我来了。reading-room 阅览室 nice 好的 every day 每天pardon 对不起What can you see in the reading-room?Which book would you like to read? I’d like to read a book on .......Chinese bookEnglish bookMaths book Music bookstory bookPE booksports bookpicture bookanimal bookcartoons 卡通What books do you like reading?I like picture books. Which book would you like to read?I’d like to read a book on animals.I love animals.Which book…哪本书?would you like… 你想要to read? 读Which book would you like to read?你喜欢读哪本书?I’d like to read the story book.我想读故事书。Animals Story Book Picture Book Cartoons musicEasy MathsChinese BookI like English.Which book would you like to read?I’d like to read the story book.What’s it about?It’s about a boy’s family.Sentences: A:你想要读什么书? A:它是关于什么的? B:我想读这本故事书。 B:它是关于一个男孩的家庭故事。Homework1.重点条上的记忆单词3+1. 2.课文2+1,并读熟。 3.听课文对话,每天15分钟。10.Look, read and draw. oninunderin front of A bird is ( ) the tree. Two red apples are ( ) the tree. A boy is ( ) the house. A cat is ( ) the table. A pink ball is ( ) the tree. Three bananas are ( ) the table. badmintonhockeytennisbasketballMy favourite sport is playing badminton.What’s your favourite sport?I like playing hockey.重点词汇 reading-room, pardon, love, picture nice, story, cartoon, music, maths, hockey, badminton, basketball, tennis

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