
Unit 7 I like this reading-room 课件

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:15828517Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件36张PPT。I like this reading--roomUnit 7Quickly Quickly Learn Learn LearnplaysaylovepardonanimaleverydaysaylovepardonanimaleverydayAnimals Book--What's it about?--It's about animals.Story Book--What's it about?--It's about a cat.Picture Book--What's it about?--It's about animals and people.Cartoon--What's it about?--It's about Xi Yang and Hui Tai lang.Animals BookStory BookPicture BookCartoon--Which book would you like to read?--I'd like to read the story book.MusicEnglishEasy MathsChinese BookMusicEnglishEasy MathsChinese BookMusic BookEnglish Book--Which book would you like to read?--I'd like to read the _____Easy MathsChinese Book--Which book would you like to read?--I'd like to read the _____basketballhockeybaseballbadmintonbasketballbadmintonhockeybaseballGolden FingerclimbingThe panda is climbing.eatingThe panda is eating.playingThe panda is playing.walkingThe panda is walking.drinkingThe panda is drinking.restingThe panda is resting.guitar badminton hockey baseball moon basketball tiger

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